
The basis of training is Integrated Approach of Yoga Therapy.


Increase Lung Capacity

In today’s chaotic times, everybody is breathing haphazardly. An average human being utilizes only up to 14% of the vital capacity of their lungs. In these tested times, when we require maximum intake of Oxygen, we need to build up the apparatus of breathing in such a way that it can absorb and supply at least 50% of the ideal capacity of our Lungs. 30 days of practice of these research-based and proven Yoga Breathing Techniques can increase the Lung capacity by 50 %.

Duration: 5-Days [5 sessions of one hour each]


Yogic Techniques to Enhance Immunity

This practice has a pre-requisite- You need to have very strong Lungs, So it is suggested that you complete part one before joining this workshop. Once you have increased the capacity of the Lungs, You can opt for this advanced Yogic Technique to Enhance Your Immunity. Continuous Practice of this Yogic protocol for 30 days will enhance your immunity to the fullest. An additional benefit of is practice is that the sadhaka will strengthen their Intercostal muscles.

Duration: 15 Days [15 sessions of one hour each]

Regular Workshops Conducted on Demand

1]. Yoga Therapy for Sportsman – above 10 years:

Every sports participant reaches a phase where they are at the peak of their performance and are unable to rise above this level. This is the phase of a performance plateau. Even though their coaches have taught them all the special techniques of their respective sport, they cannot rise up from that level. This is usually because of the mental blocks, which are very difficult for a common man to even identify. Yoga Therapy has proved to shatter these mental blocks with research-based practices and help the participant to excel in his aspiration, be it sports or academic upgrade.

With regular practice, one develops intuition, foresight, reflex and peripheral vision to be highly competitive in every sport. Important changes visible in the practitioner will be an improvement in observation, performance [sport and academic], calm and balanced body and mind due to the improved ability to relax, improved strength, power, endurance, accuracy, footwork where needed and minimizing the chances of injury.

2]. Corporate Yoga Training: SMET [Self Management of Excessive Tension]

For De-stressing, Mindfulness and Memory Boosting.

  • Increases productivity
  • Decreases the human body’s downtime
  • Reduces autonomic arousal
  • Improves attention
  • Improves the quality of sleep

These are exclusive and research-based techniques for de-stressing, correction of disturbed sleep pattern, mind culture, emotions culture, confidence building, energizing the pranic energy, special breathing techniques for normalizing and regulating haphazard breathing, memory boosters, asanas and pranayamas, Surya Namaskar, Super Brain Yoga and Meditation on the Twin Hearts. To know more about Corporate Yoga Training please contact here.

3]. Yoga Therapy for Asthma and other Pulmonary Disorders:

This is a research-based practice for patients suffering from Pulmonary disorders like Asthma, Pleuritis, Sleep Apnoea, COPD, etc. This practice helps the patients to minimize the physical symptoms which they suffer due to their ailment and restore back good health. We have observed that once a patient starts this practice he will never return back to his/her earlier state of suffering. This is a group class which usually starts after a total number of 10 registrations. For registrations click here.

4]. Women between 16 to 65 years:

Usually, women in this age group suffer from PCOS/PCOD, Menstrual Disorders, Distended Uterus, backache and many ailments related to the female reproductive system. A specially designed practice for women keeps all these areas healthy and prevents ailments related to the reproductive system. This practice proves to be a boon for women who start at an early age.

5]. Yoga Therapy: Restoration of Health; Ailment – Wise

One hour batches for exclusive group or individuals suffering for Psychosomatic ailments.  These are Sessions where special techniques for every ailment recovery are taught.  Here usually the Sadhakas are patients suffering from Stress and stress-induced ailments like Constipation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Backache, Asthma, Diabetes, Obesity, Hypertension, Cardiac Blockages, Parkinson’s, Arthritis, etc. Fascinating results which I have seen from my personal experience in treating these kinds of individuals has been the main motivation for promoting Yoga Therapy. To know more about Yoga Therapy please contact here.

6]. Group Classes: For Well-being

One hour batches of Shukshma Vyayam, Breath Correction, sequenced Yoga Asanas and Pranayamas, Bandhas and Mudras and Surya Namaskar. These are 5-days/Week classes.